
Presence features a selection of short holistic yoga practice formulas to offer conscious rituals for reconnection. These practices are formulas to reconnect you to a steadier, softer and more attentive inner landscape. In experiencing reconnection, we are able to have more presence, with ourselves and others and therefore, more meaningful interactions. 

When designing this program, I have taken into consideration the time availability to maintain regular Yoga practice. Often, if we think we need to allow at last 60 - 90 minutes to practice some Yoga technique, it may get missed or be less regular due to other areas of our life taking priority. The practices within this program each vary between 10 - 20 minutes long in so that you can infuse in them, more often. They feature considered asana (postural movement), pranayama (breathing practices) and yoga nidra (deep rest) to nudge you back towards presence as your ground of being. 

When we infuse regularly in practice rituals that invoke more attentiveness within us, even for just 10 - 20 minutes, we can enjoy the grace of presence from our efforts. 

Before selecting a practice from the Presence portal, it’s worthy asking yourself, what do I need right now to invoke more presence? Do I need to rest? Do I need to be more alert? How can I support myself best with this work so I can move with more ease into my day/evening? 

When we support our personal wellbeing it naturally has an affect on the communal. May our small collective efforts continue to influence and impact presence and positive change within our families, communities and beyond.

As with all movement and physical activity, you must listen to your body to what is safe and supportive for you. Stop if you feel pain or discomfort and know you can modify and adjust the poses to suit you. In participating in this program Presence, you are doing so at your own risk. If you are uncertain about any of the practice and if it is suitable for you, please consult your healthcare practitioner for further guidance. 

om saha nā vavatu

saha nau bhunaktu

saha vīram karavāvahai


mā vidvisāvahai

om sāntih sāntih sāntih

May we together be protected,
May we together be nourished.
May we work together with enthusiasm, May our study be illuminating.
May we not disregard one another.
Oṃ Peace, Peace, Peace! 

This is a vedic mantra which is chanted at the beginning of a new undertaking of study. It requests that those partaking in this work and relationship, be nourished & protected by the teachings that unfold. You may listen to the audio where I chant the mantra in the vedic chanting tradition. Vedic chanting is the practice of preserving and chanting Sanskrit mantra of the veda which has been passed down by oral tradition. There are strict rules in place to keep the chant pure in it's vibration & preservation. The way the mantra is recited is in the way when it was heard through deep stages of meditation by an ancient sage (estimated 5000 years ago) and maintains it's power and potency.

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